Hi Guys & Dolls!

My highlights from the event were: THE HOST Remel London - she was engaging and funny, so well done to her, seeing Natalie after sooooo long and feeling some sister to sister proudness was another hightligh and ANGIE LAMAR, ahhhhh shes an incredible woman with and incredible presence! The overall entertainment on the night was fantastic and there was also a bit of story telling which was interesting and different, especially when she started with the Jamaican accent lol (you had to be there hhehe)! And of course the big highlight for me was getting on-stage and doing what I live and love to do! SING, entertain, captivate! I started with an inspirational one "Cant Give Up Now", to deliver the message to all the women (and men) in the room that we are here to be the best that we can be and that we should NEVER give up on our dreams and visions! And then I sang my self-penned track "Free As A Bird" that I wrote in dedication to the mother of Warren "Gumzy" Graham, who unfortunately died as the result of knife crime. (R.I.P) - So very well done to everyone who brought the event together and everyone who took part on and off stage!!! See you all at the next one!!
I just wanted to extend my thanks to everyone who came out and supported me at my performance at "STANDSOMETHING" this Sunday just passed! It was AMAZING!!!!!
I must say it has been a very long time since I felt the vibes that were present in the room at this particular event. Its was full of THE most positive and influential people and I really must say a HUGE thank you to Natalie Leonna of Natalie Leonna PR for booking me for the event as it was truely a pleasure to be a part of it.
STAND4SOMETHING is an event focussing on the inspiration and empowerment of women! There was an all female line-up on stage and the audience were buzzing from the start! The event supported an organisation called "Woman Kind" who are dedicated to supporting women through the troubles that life can throw at us everyday, rebuilding them and inspiring us all to stay strong and stand up for ourselves.

Dedicated as always!
Crystal Celebrity xxx
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